Martin Lutz studied sound art at UdK Berlin and musicology at LMU Munich. He works as a composer, musician and sound artist for dance, performances, theatre, installations and film. Martin Lutz has been invited by Attakkalari Centre for Movement Arts to work out and realise a sound concept and music score for their dance production Bhinna Vinyasa – Multiple Assemblages, as part of bangaloREsidency programme by Goethe-Institut/Max Mueller Bhavan Bangalore.
Basic Information
Profession(s): Composer
Nationality: Germany
Organization: Goethe-Institut/Max Mueller Bhavan
Martin Lutz studied sound art at UdK Berlin and musicology at LMU Munich. He works as a composer, musician and sound artist for dance, performances, theatre, installations and film. His work focus lies in the nature of sound and its relevance for the space. Field recordings and experimental sound production are the basis for compositions that take sounds and sound-scapes out of their natural context to give them a new content-related and spatial sense. He also created several works for radio (e.g. BR, ORF), music for film and is playing violin, percussion and electronics in a number of music and performance groups (e.g. Höngdobel, Der Englische Garten). Since 2011, he did realization of various sound installations (e.g. for Ars Electronica 2012, Linz) and collaborated with Peter Cusacks and Sam Auingers on projects - Berlin Sonic Places (DAAD, Berlin) und Sonic Places Linzer Hauptplatz (Ars Electronica 2012, Linz).