TRANSAVATAR: A journey through multiple identities Duration: 66 Minutes with 15 Minute Intermission


TransAvatar is a multi-media performance of Contemporary dance and Martial arts with integrated digital sound and technology. This unique dance production, explores the multiple identities of individuals and its manifestations in different physical and mental spaces.

Basic Information

Title: TRANSAVATAR: A journey through multiple identities Duration: 66 Minutes with 15 Minute Intermission

Artist/Company: Attakkalari Centre for Movement Arts

Genre: Stage

Performance History

7th October, 2009 SIDance: Seoul International Dance Festival Mary Hall, Sogang University, Seoul, South Korea 2008 Delhi Habitat 2006 Sanchari Chowdiah Memorial Hall, Bangalore, India 2003 Sophia Baba Hall, Mumbai, India 2003 Music Academy, Chennai, India 2003 JSS Auditorium, Mumbai, India